Sunday, March 26, 2023

VR/AR Tool

     Zspace is an AR and VR combined tool that is centered around a tablet, stylus, and glasses.  By using the technology from Zspace and the downloaded applications, students will be able to manipulate objects away from the tablet, rotate the object to see all sides, and allows peripheral controls to keep the immersion.  The different lessons in Zspace allow students to be able to see Newton have his breakthrough or watch Benjamin Franklin discover electricity in real-time.  Allowing the students to be immersed in a way that is interesting and not from a textbook will help them remember more.  Zspace allows for the utmost interaction between the lesson and the student, giving the student something engaging and fun instead of reading and a test.  

        I believe the tool is multi-faceted enough to be used K-College.  All ages can benefit from a hands-on lesson instead of lectures.  Lectures can only go so far, having something visual and physical represent the lesson can help the student understand the material better.  Teachers also have the option to create lessons on Zspace.  Allowing teachers the ability to create lessons that cater to the specific lesson plans they have will add to the number of people that are likely to use Zspace.  

    The benefit truly falls onto the teachers.  Giving the teachers another tool to keep students engaged and interested is always a great thing.  It also gives the teachers a chance to broaden their normal lesson plans, allowing for more time spent with students learning instead of being disengaged.  However, the students win from this as well, it can be hard for some students, no matter their age, to sit through long talks or long reading sessions.  Having a class that is different and fun can be a great thing for students.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey your blog post looks great crazy enough I also used zSpace as the AR/VR tool. think it seems like a great thing to help teachers and students. Your blog post looks great!!


VR/AR Tool

      Zspace is an AR and VR combined tool that is centered around a tablet, stylus, and glasses.  By using the technology from Zspace and t...